Saturday, March 11, 2017


Good day everyone mt blog is all about what are my plans after graduating. there are a lot of things that i wanted to do but i come up with two things , First i will apply for a job this summer any job that i can have an income for this coming school year. life is so hard if you dont have money in you hands . money  makes everything go around . so before enrolling to a university i will secure my allowance for my future.

Then i will pursue my education and to have a bachelors degree in the field of business having a four year course is an advantage here in the Philippine if you dont have an  proper education there is a tendency that you will not have a stable job  , i always wanted to have my own career . not just in the office in front of my computer and to have a bossy manager . But i want to have my own business that me myself will handle it. since i was i child i always watch tv shows that are related to having an own shop or store. one of the kind of store that i want is about cosmetics and a brand clothing line .having a clear sight of your future and  goal in life is very inspiring and overwhelming because you see yourself having the dream of your life coming true. that is whay there are no such great treasure in life that having a good education and a paper in you hnd called a diploma .